In this handout photograph taken and released by India's Press Information Bureau (PIB) on October 11, 2019 shows Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (R) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping during their visit at Arjuna's Penance, ahead of the summit at the World Heritage Site of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu state. - Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in India on October 11 for an "informal" seaside summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi aimed at mending relations between the historically prickly Asian giants after sharp words over Kashmir. (Photo by Handout / PIB / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / PIB" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS -

महाबलीपूरम ः पुरातन शिल्पकलेच्या जागतिक वारसा स्थळ असलेल्या ‘अर्जुनाचे प्रायश्‍चित’ स्मारकाच्या पार्श्‍वभूमीवर भारत भेटीवर असलेले चीनचे अध्यक्ष शी जीनपिंग पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या समवेत.